Brisbane Improv Festival - a celebration of improvised comedy in Brisbane 22 - 29 July
Facilitated by Luke Rimmelzwaan (Improv Queensland - QLD)
Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough" - Richard Feynman
It can sometimes feel like there is pressure to have ‘good ideas’ in impro, to be funny and clever, constantly inventing wild and wacky scenarios. This workshop will focus on the complete opposite: what does impro look like if we remove the need to be funny or inventive? In this class, we will focus on discovery and engagement with our scene partner. Perhaps starting with nothing will allow us to imagine everything.
About Luke
Luke Rimmelzwaan is a founder of Improv QLD and a 20-year veteran improviser. He has performed and taught around the world including in Warsaw, Taipei, Manila, Wellington, Auckland, Sydney and Melbourne. He has developed many new improvised shows across a wide range of styles including Martini Time, Rock Pigs, Trade, Not 4 Kidz and Tales from the Old Country. He has also performed circus with Tofulama and directed operas, musicals and short films as well as appearing in a number of shows such as Jesus Christ Superstar, King Lear, Much Ado About Nothing and Lovepuke.