Improv Foundations

Improv Foundations is a series of four workshop blocks designed to introduce students to Big Fork's style of long form improvisation. Once students have completed Improv Foundations they are invited to participate in our Advanced Study program. Improv Foundations is the recommended starting point for new improvisers. If you have previous improv experience please contact our Directors at to discuss the most appropriate workshop for your experience.

  • Foundations 1: Improv Fundamentals

    Learn Big Fork Theatre’s style of scenic comedic improvisation. Explore your creativity, build confidence and have fun whilst developing the basic skills of improvisation. The perfect place to start if you have no previous performing experience.

  • Foundations 2: The Scene

    The two person scene is the backbone of Big Fork’s style of long form improvisation. Focusing on relationships and characters you will explore techniques on how to create entertaining scenes from nothing and put them together into a long form improv show.

  • Foundations 3: Characters

    Characters bring an improv scene life. You will learn techniques to unlock your way of playing characters and jump in and out of them with ease. Whether you want to play characters that are larger than life or a little more nuanced this class if for you.

  • Foundations 4: Group Mind

    Learn how to improvise as a group on stage. You will hone your ability to work as a group and create scenes with multiple performers, as well as how to incorporate them into long form improvisation.

  • Foundations 4 Elective: Intro to Musical Improv

    Foundations 4 Elective: Intro to Musical Improv

    Learn the basics of musical improv and explore how to create catchy songs in front of an audience. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never sung outside the shower. This course will give you the confidence to break out into song anywhere!

  • Foundations 5: Finding the Funny

    Learn how to take true stories and spin them into hilarious improvised scenes on the spot. You will explore game of the scene and premise based improvisation as used in Big Fork’s flagship show Cool Story Bro.