Advanced Study Improv Classes

Big Fork’s Advanced Study program is designed for improvisers who are ready to take on their next improv challenge. Each class focuses on a different format and style of long form improvisation. Successful completion of our Foundations Program is required to participate. If you have previous improv experience that may be equivalent to our Foundations Program please contact our Directors at to discuss the most appropriate workshop for your experience.

  • Advanced Study: Pretty Flower

    The Pretty Flower is a format that weaves together different threads and characters centred around a source monoscene that is revisted multiple times through out the show.

  • Advanced Study: The Harold

    The Harold is the original long form improv format. You will learn how to weave together multiple threads of characters and stories through two person scenes, group games and organic exploration of themes - all inspired by a single word.

  • Advanced Study: Improvising a Musical

    Build on your musical improv skills and learn how to perform a full length, fully improvised musical from a single suggestion. This course will have you improvising the next Broadway hit from start to finish!